Carrefours de l’éducation, Adolescence ended, adolescence interminable? , December 2020

The dossier Adolescence ended, adolescence interminable? aims to enlighten professionals working with adolescents through articles from research conducted in France and Lebanon as well as through the contribution of two meetings with researchers with distinct paradigms that complement each other.

The questions related to uncertainty, to the current disintegration of the trials of the adolescent passage have a certain resonance with the unprecedented health and social situation facing our contemporary world in 2020.

The contributions in this dossier lay the groundwork for a reflection on the methods that education and training professionals will have to invent to help lead an adolescent towards his “becoming an adult” (Van de Velde, 2008) in an increasingly uncertain environment.

To take up the idea developed by Pierre Mâle on the importance of the influence of “the environment” on adolescent construction, it seems to me that these tests of transition to “becoming an adult” can no longer only be interpreted in terms of internal reality, they are to be understood on the basis of the crisis (s) that the company is going through.

We are led to constantly and concomitantly think about this dialectic between the inside and the outside of the subjects in order to better understand the adolescent process.

Contributors to this dossier: Claudine Blanchard-Laville, Débora Fajnwaks, Laurence Gavarini, Patrick Geffard, Yvette Gharib, Narjès Guetat-Calabrese, Marc Guignard, Françoise Hatchuel, David Le Breton, Ilaria Pirone, Patricia Rached.

Antoine Kattar, Amiens education and training research center (CAREF – UR 4697) University of Picardy Jules Verne.