The ACEI network

The ACEI network seeks to develop links between interdisciplinary actors in education at national, European and international level who work and intervene in the field of adolescence. The first international conference in educational sciences on the theme of contemporary adolescence in connection with the question of its environments took place on June 4 and 5, 2015 at the University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens and was organized by CAREF (Center Amiénois de Recherche en Éducation et Formation), in partnership with the ÉMA laboratory (École, Mutations, Apprentissages) of the University of Cergy-Pontoise and the Clinical Education and Training team, psychoanalytic, socio-clinical and institutional approaches (CLEF-apsi), CIRCEFT research unit of the University of Paris 8.

The second conference took place in October 2018 at the Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) in Lebanon and in was co-organized by CAREF and USEK, in partnership with the EMA laboratory (School, mutations, apprenticeships) of the University of Cergy-Pontoise, the Clinical education and training team of the CIRCEFT laboratory, University of Paris 8, the Savoir team, relation to knowledge and transmission process of the University of Paris Nanterre as well as the INSPÉ of the Amiens Hauts-de-France academy. It allowed consideration of the passage.

The third conference focused on adolescent processes from the notion of the imaginary. It was co-organized by Bicocca University and CAREF (UPJV) in partnership with the University of Paris 8, the University of Rouen as well as the Inspé de l’Académie d’Amiens on May 24, 25, 2022. The thought process that we have been deploying since 2015 has resulted in the establishment of the international interdisciplinary research network ACEI (Contemporary Adolescence and Uncertain Environment). The teacher-researchers and “liaison professionals” participating in this network share a comprehensive vision of the impact of the characteristics of the contemporary environment on the identity construction of adolescents.

The founder of the network, Antoine Kattar, P.U. Picardie Jules Verne University and the network steering committee: Ilaria Pirone, MCF Paris 8 University, Dominique Meloni, MCF Picardie Jules Verne University, Patrick Geffard, P.U. Paris 8 University, Arnaud Dubois, P.U. The University of Rouen have been working together since 2015 with the objective of going beyond the cut often made between the social field and the psychic field by seeking to support and make visible the new ways of working from their interweaving.

For any information, you can write to us at the following address: